

Заказчики: Motors.co.uk


Подрядчики: TrueConf (Труконф)
Продукт: TrueConf Online
На базе: TrueConf Server

Дата проекта: 2012/09
Технология: SaaS - Программное обеспечение как услуга
подрядчики - 1146
проекты - 14508
системы - 1786
вендоры - 1003
Технология: Видеоконференцсвязь
подрядчики - 295
проекты - 4914
системы - 427
вендоры - 207
It's an awesome PC based solution to the big VCS confusion most businesses face. At Motors.co.uk we use the WebRTC functionality to stream our monthly business brief’s to remote employees. The system works well, with good sounds quality.

Users like WebRTC as its easy for them to just click a link and enter the guest password and they are in. No plug-ins required, or faffing about.

Aaron Fenwick - Project and Operations Manager Motors.co.uk